Ever wonder why some people just seem to

"have it so easy"?!

Here's the tea...

They aren't lucky, they are

šŸ§²magnetic šŸ§² !

and you can be too, after you apply these simple shifts

I teach you in this masterclass!

Magnetic Manifestation Masterclass

March 19th at 12pm PST

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LIFE CHANGING healing and manifestation class.

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The part that's always misunderstood

What has to happen before manifestation

It's actually very simple but all the people that have the most success with changing their lives do this.

Identify this key element

the 3 archetypes of self SABOTAGE

Most people don't even realize where they learned these things that keep them from manifestation ...but almost all of my clients identify with one of these.

Move forward to create change.

1 Step you can do right now that could change your whole life

Bold statement but when I started using this simple but effective practice is when I started to attract oppertunities to work with some of my dream clients, met my husband, the list goes on and on!


Hey my friend, my name is Shalane Carter and I am a Spiritual Business Mentor.

I help people do healing work, raise their vibration and craft a business that keeps their hearts full and their bank account fat!

Manifestation is so misunderstood and I am living proof that when you do work that is more focused on energy, vibration and frequency that all the other pieces that you desire for you life start to magnetize towards you.

This work has changed the life of so many of my clients and the next person that their life is forever changed for the better could be you!




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Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to starting a successful freelance business.

Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. At the end of the presentation, a program will be offered for purchase.